Overall, 2024 treated me well. Because of 2025, I’ve learned that I have a lot of patients and faith.

The aspirations that I have for 2025 is to deepen my relationship with grow stronger within my studies, reading more books, not procreating and waiting till the last minute to do things. As a photographer, I want to take more pictures. I want to have some designated days where I just take a walk, and photograph things that catch my eye.

Specific personal goals that I want and will achieve by the end of 2025 is deepening my relationship with God, work out and become stronger, focusing more on my wellness and selfcare, plan for my future, having my mind, body, and soul aliened.

The photography style that I would want to seek after in this semester is sports photography.


The photos below are from the project titled “Mobile Scavenger.” The reason that you are seeing them under my Edublog is because all four of these photos represent me in one way or another. The first photo is a photo of my car on the inside. Taking this photo made me realize that you don’t always have to have something extremely complex in order for it to be a good photo. The second photo being a sunrise and the third photo being a sunset photo. Taking these made me realize further that the eye works as a Lense. After hearing that phrase for years, I got to experience it firsthand. My eye caught something beautiful, one while I was driving and the other while my family and I were in the backyard chilling. The fourth photo is a photo of my doughnuts that I got. I love eating food! So, when I got these doughnuts, before I devoured them. I took this amazing photo of the doughnuts.

The 6 photos above are from the last projects we did as a class. The “ABC” project and the FINAL project for Photography. The overall thing that I learned while taking these photos in particular, is that time is needed. In order for the photos to come out good and good enough for our teacher’s approval. You need more than enough time for the photos to come out good. Patients as well. You need to take the photos over and over and over again to make sure you have different angles of the photo so you can choose the best one.

My top project for this semester was the final project. I felt that I did great on it. It was a time where I could photograph what I oved most. This made the project a little easier because I didn’t have to brainstorm for long periods of time trying to figure out what I could photograph.

Learning File Formats

File formats are important because the define how an image’s data looks, is stored, and interacted with.

JPEG: Stands for “Joint Photographic Experts Group.” JPEG is what many cameras are set as their default option. JPEG just looks like a standard photo.

HEIF: or “High Efficiency Image Format” is the newest type of format on the list. This format was created in 2015 and is used for editing programs. Programs including Lightroom, Photoshop, Affinity, and GIMP.

TIFF: Stands for “Tagged Image File Format” and this is another type of file that is used in the photography business. “TIFFs can smoothly convert JPEGs, so even of the end file format will be a JPEG, many photographers prefer to edit a TIFF.”

RAW: Most cameras can offer the option of shooting in RAW, including mirrorless models, DSLRs, and even smartphones. The use of the RAW format stores and captures all of the information as it is. Which means, how you see it. Is how it will be captured.

DNG: or Digital Negative, was created by Adobe in efforts to provide a version of a RAW file that can be used by ALL manufactures. This format stores is a “digital negative” that stores raw, uneditied camrea date

PNG: Is short for “Portable Network Graphic.” This particular file is a type of raster image file. This file works with web designers because it can handle graphics with transparent or semi-transparent backgrounds.

GIF: Which is short for “Graphic Interchange Format.” This is a format that most individuals use to express emotions and or jokes. These file formats are normally in motion.

BMP: This format is a Raster Format. It is another lossless file compression which means that contains pixels. BMPs are used by mac programs.

PSD: Is used by Adobe Photoshop to use and save data. The biggest advantage of using PSD is that it allows you to store edits using its individual layers rather than one image its self-life the other formats.

Rembering 9/11

On September 11, 2001, a series of coordinated tersest attacks were carried out by an extreme group of people. Four commercial airplanes were hijacked on this day. Two of those airplanes were deliberately crashed into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. When both of the towers were struck by airplanes 17 minutes apart, for hours the towers were on fire, releasing ash, and smoke until eventually collapsing leading to the catastrophic death of hundreds of people.

As someone who was not yet alive when 9/11 took place, I can only imagine the overwhelming shock and fear that people all over the country, let alone people who were witnessing it firsthand felt on that day. It’s a little hard to grasp how it was a day that was going normal and all of a sudden, the day just took a turn. A turn for the worst. Seeing and hearing reports of planes crashing into buildings and seeing the twin towers get hit and fall to the ground like they were never there had to be devastating. For individuals that are my age and younger, we get all of information about 9/11 from school, social media, photography, and videography. Hearing and seeing how devastating and scary this event was for those who lived through this moment was truly heartbreaking.

Documentary photography plays the role of capturing real-life events, people, and places with the goal of keeping the truth and reality. It serves as a visual record that documents history, culture, and even social issues providing and insight into movements and events that significantly shaped the world.

The imagery that impacted the event of experience of 9/11 are very sad and depressing. Seeing individuals having to run in hopes of running to safety. Seeing individuals die as the towers collapse and as a result of the towers collapse is nothing short of devastating.

All About Me!

Wassup, Wassup, Wassupp, I am starting this blog because I am enrolled in a photography one class, and this is a place where I can showcase all of my work for the year. So, while I am here, you might as well get to know me. My name is Jolon Harleaux, but my friends and family call me Jo. I want to attend either Howard or the University of Southern California majoring in Visual and Performing Arts. My favorite color is brown. I am a student athlete. The sports that I participate in are the absolute loves of my life. I swim and I run track. I am also an only child, and with me being an only child, I am really big on family and friends. My family is a really big and a really close family, and my friends. I am really close with them as well. My birthday is January 20th, making me an Aquarius. In my free time, I like to either hang out with friends, chill with family, or listen to music (Chris Brown, Usher, Kevin Gates, Beyonce, and many other artists). If I could choose to go anywhere in the world for vacation, I would easily choose to go on an island. I love the ocean, exploring, and just relaxing and eating food. I am looking forward to creating pieces and sharing them on my blog for others to see!